I used to think of myself as little boy with a huge LOVE for living and i felt this love like an endless source of motives to be happy. Unfortunately I have lived some unpleasant situations that make me believe there is no love, it only was my imagination. You can see people cheating each other, hiding their feelings and trying to take advantage of other's weakness; that's how the world works, people say I wanna believe in love, but the reality say the opposite.In my opinion, "someone"-a long time ago, obviously- sat down and thought that "love" would be a nice idea, and they probably thought that they could force his/her idea on everyone else. They have of course succeeded. I don't know whether this "someone" was a man or a woman, as it would probably only be a woman who could come up with such a cutesy idea, or a man since it never worked out. I also don't know since i wasn't there.
When we are young and the world is new to us we discover feelings for the first time and they are so strong and powerful we can hardly stand it. But then LIFE shows us what reality is about and we start to pay closer attention to the things around us and are not so overwhelmed by it all and learn how to cope with people, places, and things on a level as to protect ourselves some what. We go through many trials and tribulations and thrills, and chills, along the way until one day we are awakened by one of those really clear realities that we love someone and are loved the same way in return. That's when the whole world changes. We start asking whether we are in love?? We get the the answer when we are 30 years old surrounded by 2 kids.
So what starts as an attraction with nice emotional complacency takes the form of less physical attraction and more financial pleasing and ends in divorce BUT there is a different school of thought which believes love is a feeling of fluttering hearts, warmth, happiness, loyalty, excitement and romance. A feeling which binds us all together few also go the extent of saying that it's one of our needs ( needs hierarchy ). We do love ourselves and there is love within a family. Parents love their kids and can do anything for them. Some categorise love as EMOTIONAL based and TRUE love but there is no clear definition to love as it's a feeling not an object.Love is a faith based on belief with no scientific backing.
I feel If Love was there than why is our society falling apart, why do we have that many divorces, why do we have terrorism, why do we have infanticides, why do man get a woman pregnant and leave, why don't people accept two members of same sex in love since love is believed to conquer all right even the boundaries of sexual identity, if love was worth more than money than why don't rich share their wealth with poor one's , why would we shoot, poison, starve and bomb our brothers and sisters..LOVE IS AN ILLUSION.....
I still can't take a stand if it really exists so kindly take a call and let me know if you have the answer to this million dollar question...you are free to mail me..............Thank You ....
Trapped in the past will not solve your question, the only way to find out for sure is to keep looking. Even if that means to get hurt gain.
ReplyDeletecuz there is someone out there looking to find you, I am sure of it. why? I do know her very well.. Like I know myself.
rahulk i stand by each n evry word u said ...bt u c u only said love does exist btw parnts n children,,,so is dere still need to search fo it...as fo ppl who kill dere own family fo d sake f money dt shws dt dey cudnt just reciprocate d way dey got...wt i feel is ds LOVE is a totally selfish desire..to b cared..to b pampered ..to b special fo sm1 ..to dominate sm1...to jus b attached n bonded wid sm1 to d xtent dt dy mean d whole world to u...bt ds LOVE also vanishes cz f odr selfish desires...funny..isnt it...so all v hv to do is b content ova wt v got n cherish dese human bonds...
ReplyDeleteHmmm...quite true srish..!!
ReplyDeleteIn fact if u look at the worldly affair every single thing would give you a hint of the self centered attitude..which of course is not what humanity demands...I too realized few things and posted this article to ensure that people realize its high time we look at the bigger picture..a world where relationships are unconditional, magnanimous, forgiving, ungrudging, self-effacing, altruistic and liberal..!!!
Srish i also understand in LOVE as u said u want to get pampered, noticed and given all the importance which brings about a sense of selfishness but don't u think its mutual...u too ensure that the other person is what u always wanted n dreamed off..i know its very rare these days but TRUE LOVE has all the ingredients which make it rare and unique..be it the love between a parents and its child, a man and a woman, between brothers, sisters and friends or anyone for that matter..!!!
All i am trying to say here is LOVE does exist its just that materialistic nature of humans have made it latent..we need to realize the value and importance of it..because that is what can make WORLD better n serve our purpose of existence........!!!