For huge numbers of people in India the imminent introduction of the world's cheapest car -- the Nano -- is a boon to families all over the developing world that currently speed around town on overloaded two-wheelers, often with an infant perched precariously on someone's lap... For many, it represents a leap, overnight, from the indignity of two-wheeled motor scooters to the relative luxury of four wheels and a roof..Environmentalists, however, have decried the Nano and its low-cost imitators as an impending disaster..
So Many people have talked so much about the car which is obvious since its a revolution in itself..right from day one this car has been in media more beacuse of bad reasons than gud.. Initially people laughed at Ratan Tata's dream of manufactring a people's car priced @ 1 lac rupees once they were silenced there was a bigger devil in the form of Mamta Banerjee who not only was a roadblock in India's dominance in the automobile industry but also made situation worse for the already ailing West Bengal's economy...
After a lot of political drama finally the Car has been launched and it's everyone's reach since its priced @ $2000..For millions the car has become emblematic of their aspirations..
Certainly, the seemingly guaranteed success of the Nano may create more traffic and strain on India’s already rickety urban infrastructure..but this would also lead to the development of infrastructure and the living standard of individuals and society @ large..Oll in oll its win win situation for the common man.........
TATA NANO.......CAN BE VERY WELL BE ABBREVIATED AS Never Allow----Never Own,as the whole world is reeling under the disaster of Global warming and Oil crisis(though recession is also a issue but this might be a temporary block in the development of the 3rd word countries) but the Tata has finally made the attempt to put a final bolt in the Coffin by launching the Small packet of Drugs with which the Middle class can surely and easily get addicted, When the whole world is working towards the Common Transit system the industries in India are still working towards the so called Luxury of cars.
ReplyDeleteBrother I do agree with what u say but the fact however is developing countries like India and China or for that matter BRIC nations have huge potential..a true businessman would always exploit the opportunities available..TATA's have made the impossible possible for the so called middle or lower class people..Why should the luxury of car be limited only to the elite class.....There are hundred's of problem the world is facing......why not solve them rather than criticise a genius who has taken the industry by storm.. Someone who has brought about a transparency in the system and i believe it was required..Fair pricing was the need of the hour..He's a Man who has always stood for a cause..we all applauded him for acquiring JAGUAR & LAND ROVER than how can we not do that now ???What world needs is PEACE...Let's work towards it...........
ReplyDeleteRahul is this belongs to u??????????? if yes.....plzzzzzzz give me some insight abt this idiot fire prone tataaaaaa nano.......
ReplyDeleteNishant, this blog was written by me but the car belongs to tata...who have created a technological masterpiece...i do understand that their has been reports of failure or damage but this not only gives Tata's an opportunity to rectify the mistake but also allows them to look into the knitty gritties before they roll out on a big scale and other markets... criticism would always be there but we got appreciate the fact that it has brought about a shift in Auto mobile sector.....hopefully all will be well n Nano will be your first car.... Recession u c.........:)
ReplyDeleteAfter reading what u have written abt Tata Nano.... i personally feel that u r baised.... and most importantly it seems that u r doing mba and form a very ..... college..reason why i m saying this is bcoz u don't know that recession is almost over...plzzz if u r final year plzz read newspaper everyday...it will help u to keep urself updated.....
ReplyDeleteBrother m not biased..i expressed what i felt..i never said u r wrong..because there are always two sides of a coin...i support Tata's for what they have done, U may not like millions across the globe..
ReplyDeleteTalking about my MBA, yes i am pursuing my MBA and to make things clear for you the recession isn't over yet we are sort of recovering...u know what i mean...it'll take sometime for the global economy to reach the level they were at about 2 years back...The good news however for people like you and me is "The economy is recovering"......so CHEERS...take care...n kp posting your comments....